
kate essay

For most of us, ‘getting ready’ is built into our daily dancing lives. Whether it’s getting ready for class, a rehearsal, a competition, an audition, or making a career leap.

We know that getting ready requires preparation. Of course, luck can enter the picture and sometimes does. There’s nothing wrong with wishing for it to happen. It just might. And then again, it might not.

The truth is ... focusing on luck tends to keep us in the wishing-and-hoping-mode far too long. If taking action is what counts, preparation is a lot more reliable.

If taking action is what counts, preparation is a lot more reliable. And it’s completely in our hands, where it should be. Job-readiness, here we come!

For the most part, we play all the roles. We’re the dreamweaver, the tool collector, the job hunter, and the marketing expert rolled into one. Sure, help comes from teachers, agents, and family, but essentially the journey is of our own making. In time, we realize that we’re ‘doing business’ in an industry where employers are simply more receptive to the ‘fully-prepared’ than the ‘under-prepared.’

How do the pros do it?
For answers, we went to the best sources we know. Here’s a sample of insights for our members from dancers, choreographers, and agents:

Liz Imperio, choreographer Jennifer Lopez, American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, Billboard Awards, Latin
‘If you really want to become a dancer, make sure you love it. Dancers face a lot of crap. We have to look a certain way. We have to be a certain height or hair color or be a certain ethnicity or a certain weight. Sometimes you find yourself facing a stream of auditions that have absolutely nothing to do with your talent and everything to do with your ‘look’.

Brendan Filuk, Director of Bloc Agency
‘Talent is 1/3 of what you need in this business. Good solid training is another 1/3. The last 1/3 is being on top of your business, which means being smart about who you associate with. It means conducting yourself in a professional manner at all times. It means showing up at auditions or rehearsals with a positive, cooperative, ready-to-work attitude.’

Frank Soares, Answers4Dancers member, Dancer To Watch
‘As a dancer, you never stop auditioning; you never settle down. You never know how long something will last. Shows close constantly. Auditioning is just part of your job.’



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